Sunday 18 November 2018

Journal Entry 10

Physical Education

Journal Entry 10

Tuesday 6th November, 2018

 The journey from the beginning of this semester to now have been a tiring but interesting one especially my learning experience in this Physical Education course. This course enlightened my perspective on what is physical education, as well as, the purpose of its importance towards students generally at the primary school level. Physical Education is a course that focuses not just the physical components of the body but also the mental and social aspects. It is viewed as a holistic course. My experience learning this course is a great opportunity in which I can help others understand the importance of physical education.

This course is both theoretical and practical. It teaches students about movement, motor development and motor skills with an in-depth understanding of the concepts of these terms and implementing it practically. This course also allows students to practice and assess themselves when performing any task given. The health and fitness factors intrigues students to understand more about this course. Furthermore, learning about first aid treatment and other injuries gives a clear insight to the type of situations people endure in life. Therefore, the course promotes a healthy lifestyle in all aspects may it be mentally, emotionally, socially or physically.

Lastly, the important part if this course is learning how to teach physical education to students. How a teacher should develop a lesson plan appropriately according to the target audience of students. It gives me the encouragement and inspiration to boldly face the challenges in my pathway and become a teacher who can pass the knowledge to students who can apply such practices in their everyday life.
Overall, this course is important to learn and help students realise the healthy way is the way to go.

Journal Entry 9

Physical Education

Journal Entry 9

Tuesday 30th October, 2018


Injury care to prevention was the main focus in today's session. First Aid is the first sub-topic I learnt which is a procedure that requires simple methods of handling an injury or illness until those highly experienced arrived to treat the patient. Learning first aid can help an individual to cope when an emergency arises, therefore, the public is advised to learn first aid. It is also vital to have a first aid kit stock with the necessary supplies needed for such situations. The importance of first aid helps an individual to be aware of situations that can occur suddenly and lend assistance instead of being a helpless person who can only watch someone suffering with pain.

Injury was discussed after first aid in class. Apparently, there are two types of injuries. There are hard tissue injuries which are injuries to the bone and teeth whilst soft tissue injuries are injuries to skin, tendons, ligaments and other internal soft tissue. 

Contusions are called bruises which are caused by a direct blow to the body resulting leakage of blood or fluid around the tissue, however abrasion is the scraping or rubbing away of skin although cuts are tissues slightly cut or rip deeply.

Incision is a clean cut on the skin while laceration is an irregular tear to the skin. Incision is caused by knives or broken glasses but laceration is caused by the direct crushing or ripping a blow of the trauma. 

Avulsion happens when a small chunk of bone attached to a tendon or ligament is pulled away from the main part of the bone.

Treatment of wounds and punctures and were discussed along with some examples shown by pictures. Sprains deals with the tearing or stretching of ligaments at a joint and Strains are the tearing of a muscle or tendon. Both are designated grade one, two and three. Treatment of injuries are called R.I.C.E which means Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate. Rest means to rest the injury and protect it. Don't do any activity which will cause the injury to pain. Ice helps by allowing the coldness to reduce the pain and swelling. Compress the injury with a bandage helps with decreasing the swelling. Lastly, Elevate means applying ice on the injured area while sitting or lying. The injured area must be leveled above the heart level in order for swelling to decrease.

Dislocation happens when the joint is injured due to a misalignment of the bone structure while fractures are unfortunately a break or crack in a bone. In addition, there are open fractures and closed fractures. 

The last discussion was about the treatment of hard tissues that surprised everyone reaction. Three important points to treating hard tissues of a patient is to: do not move the person at any time no matter what happens, call the E.M.S meaning the Emergency Medical Services and lastly help the patient to be comfortable until the professionals arrive.

After having a good laugh but took serious note of these three points, class ended therefore we had no practical session.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Journal Entry 8

Physical Education

Journal Entry 8

Tuesday 23rd October, 2018


The topic highlighted today was about fitness. The students were asked what fitness means to them. Its quite obvious that someone would reply by saying you must exercise to keep the body fit. Therefore, the lecturer send a link for us to watch on Youtube so we can discuss in our groups. I learnt along with my group members that fitness is not about the body alone, it is the ability to meet the demands of the environment. It simply means are you fit enough accomplish the task within that environment. For example, an old man needs to full all seven buckets before the water goes. Is he fit enough to full all seven buckets plus before the water is locked off? 

The next term I learnt the real meaning of is health. Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. To state it in simple terms, health not about the body alone but also the mind and how an individual communicates out of his or her personal space. For example, an individual can be body can be rated healthy by the doctor but if they can't socialize well with others or are having a mental problem, that individual is not deemed to be healthy. 

The last term learnt was exercise. Exercise is a form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/or physical fitness, it is not competitive sport. This means exercise is about improving one's health by walking, jogging and many other motor skill. Playing football or cricket is not exercise. 


The task for this practical session focuses on choosing four different exercise activities to present. Before this occur, each pair checked the pulse of their partner before practicing their pair activity. The lecturer asked everyone to check their partner's pulse for 30 seconds before presenting began. Once the presentation finished, each pair checked their partner pulse again for thirty seconds. The amount of beats moving in the pulse felt, you multiply it by two to get the correct answer. For example, I felt twenty-four beats moving, resulting forty-eight beats per minute. I multiplied my first answer by two hence the reason for my results. After that activity, class session concluded.

Journal Entry 7

Physical Education

Journal Entry 7

Tuesday 16th October, 2018


The task given today was to form our original groups and develop a lesson plan from one out of the four activities shown in a sheet distributed by the lecturer. Our group decided to choose 'step-like actions' which are basic motor skills such as walking, running, sliding and even skipping.

The general information of the lesson plan was thought out quickly. We selected a standard one class which have a time period of twenty-five to thirty minutes. The previous experience/knowledge/skill will be about students knowing how to walk and run in the proper way, as well as, knowing different directions and how to play tag. Equipment that will be used will be a whistle.

The objectives for this lesson plan will be about demonstrating how to travel using different step-like actions with and without a whistle and knowing when to switch the step-like action.  Next we discussed about the content area which are movement experience, organization and teaching points/cues. After discussing about our plans for the lesson plan, I learnt about the various teaching styles. I learned eight teaching styles which are: command style, practice style, reciprocal style, self-check style, inclusion style, guided-discovery style and divergent discovery style.

The command style is about the teacher giving students direct orders to follow so the desired outcome will be successful.

The practice style is about the teacher deciding what students should and allow them to practice by themselves. 

The reciprocal style focuses on student peer activities. Students are paired to help each other by asking and answering questions from either peer. It is as though they are the teacher. 

The self-check style allows students to work independently on a given task. 

The inclusion style focuses on giving students a task in which they can choose what level of difficulty they can proceed with until moving on to another level.

The guided-discovery style is about the teacher arranging various resources to help the student figure the answers to questions of the particular task by themselves. The scaffolds the student where necessary. 

The divergent discovery style is about the teacher asking students a question that can be related to multiple answers. It helps students to understand that there are multiple answers to one questions, as well as, giving students the chance to participate in the activity.

Our group was then given the task of developing an activity to present for the practical session. 


For this practical session, our group had to develop an activity to present. The instructions however are to create either a game or drill using one ball. Our group must also set at least two rules for the activity. Therefore, our group presented a game called 'Think Fast.' Each person must catch the ball with their right hand and throw with their left hand plus do not drop the ball. Each person are ought to throw the ball quickly without thinking who to throw for it next. If the person drops the ball, the person needs to switch the hands using for to catch and throw the ball. It means the person needs to catch the ball with the left hand and throw with right. If the person drops the ball one more time, the switch is a must. After this activity, class session ended.

Journal Entry 6

Physical Education

Journal Entry 6

Tuesday 9th October, 2018


The topic for today is about progression. It is about understanding the purpose of progression and learning how to implement it when developing lesson plans. Progression is seen under the skill development area of the Physical Education lesson plan format. It shows how the student transition from one level to another in both knowledge and practice. There are two forms of progression. The first one shows a sequence from individual to peer and then to group where progression can be done without equipment.

The other form of progression focuses on moving from simple which is basic skill to complex which is combination skills. Examples were shown to us in order to complete an activity. Groups of five students were formed to complete the task. A sheet was given for to read and pick one of the activities to show progression. Our group chose 'step-like actions' and began to develop the progression. Half of the groups were checked by the lecturer before it was time to move on to the practical session.

During practical, the lecturer made us warm up by walking and sliding, as well as, finding and remembering your personal space. Every time we left our personal space to do a motor skill, we had to run back to that particular space upon hearing the word stop. Following this, everyone had to move around again and run back to their personal space to make a shape using a base after hearing the word stop. We did this several times before moving on to another activity. Next, we had to work in groups of three where each one of us walk and then run to a space to form a shape using three different bases. Again, each group had to listen out for the word stop. The forming of shapes and using three different bases we discussed.
The lecturer continued by discussing about other topics especially points and patches. Points and patches are about using the body to balance in different ways. The small body parts such as fingers and toes or knees that touch the ground to balance are called Points. It is a small proportion of the body area used for to balance but not a sturdy one. However, the large proportion of the body is used such as feet, back or bottom, balance will be firm and strong. This is called Patches. Two students were called to demonstrate examples of points and patches. This was the final discussion before the end of class.


Friday 16 November 2018

Journal Entry 5

Physical Education

Journal Entry 5

Tuesday 2nd October, 2018


The continuation of understanding how to develop a lesson plan was the main focus in today's session. The introduction or the 'warm up' is the first part of the Physical Education lesson plan. It is where the teacher needs to develop an activity to help students gear up for the lesson to be taught ahead. the class was asked to research what a warm up is about.

A warm up gradually revs up your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increasing blood flow to your muscles. It helps reduce soreness and lesson your risk of injury. In addition, it helps prepare the body for aerobic activity. Examples are either tag or line tag.

There are three parts to the content area of this lesson plan. The first one is movement experience which consist of the main activity or skill that will be taught in the lesson plan. The second one is organization. This is about how the teacher will organize students for the particular activities, how the space is used, as well, the equipment used for the lesson. In general, the organization is about how you organize everything for the lesson to be executed successfully. The last one of the content area is the teaching points/cues. This area is for the teacher to stay specifically what the students are supposed to do within the activity. For example, the what the students are to do and not to do in order to complete the activity.

The lecturer discussed about the movement experience as the movement task which is the act, process or result of moving. According to her, it must be planned, be developmentally appropriate, have value to the lesson and must be progressive.


For this practical session, the lecturer made us walk and do other motor skills as a warm up. Next, she asked the students what is a shape and if they can form a shape using their body. Next, students formed pairs to do another activity. In this activity, one person of the pair have to make a shape first and the other person will follow, however, both individuals are not to touch each other. This was done several times. Next, one of the person had to do symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes one after the other while the other partner follow along.

Another activity was practicing bases. A base of the body is where a large area or small area of the body can be used to balance the body. Each pair of students had to do three bases. Most bases used were the feet, back, bottom and legs. Next, students form groups of four to form a shape by using three different bases. Gathering around to talk about what was learnt from today's session concludes class session.

Journal Entry 4

Physical Education

Journal Entry 4

Tuesday 25th September, 2018


Although I was absent for this session, I asked my colleagues to share what they have learnt on this session. According to my colleagues, the lecturer explained about the general information that is required for a Physical Education lesson plan format.

Firstly, the skill theme highlights the skill that the lesson would be focusing on. Secondly, the topic of lesson deals with main topic the lesson plan will be developed on. Thirdly, many lessons can be developed under one topic, therefore number of lessons is important.

The class is important because the lesson plan needs to be developed according to that particular class so teaching content can be appropriate. The duration of lesson is determined by the particular class the lesson plan is based on and also how long students can learn the content. A lesson taught for a long duration of time can be exhausting for students and learning isn't achieved.

Number of students is used in a lesson plan to show the number of boys and girls in a classroom so distribution of resources can be analyzed. The previous experience/knowledge/skill is about what the students already know in order to learn the new content being introduced. Equipment need is about the equipment that will be used in the lesson plan.


According to my colleague, this practical session was about receiving an object. The objects used were small white balls, basket balls and fluffy balls. Students formed pairs to execute this activity. One person from the pair will send the object but not directly to the other pair. It is basically about the method of sending an object in either direction. After this activity, students talked about what they have learnt in this session to conclude for the day.

Journal Entry 3

  1. Physical Education

Journal Entry 3

Tuesday 18th September, 2018


In today's session, the terms 'motor skill' and 'motor development' was discussed with our peers before presenting an explanation to the class. Next, the discussion continued on understanding the purpose of Physical Education. Students were asked to share their views. Apparently, the purpose was related to movement in every aspect, for example; movement learning opportunities that improve motor skill, develop fitness through movement, increase knowledge of movement and lastly stimulate desire to remain physically active. The components of the Physical Education Curriculum for the Primary school level was another topic discussed today. Movement education, educational gymnastic, games training, athletics, rhythmic activities and outdoor activities are aspects of this curriculum. 

In a nutshell, I learnt that the term motor development is the changes occurred in human movement throughout life span.

Motor development also refers to the development of a child's bones, muscles and ability to move around and manipulate his or her environment. Referred as muscle tone. Children need a balanced muscle tone in order to develop their muscles and use them with ease when standing, sitting, rolling, walking etc. It involves the child's vestibular and proprioceptive systems. Both are part of the child's sensory systems.

Motor development can be divided into two sections: 
  • Gross Motor Development
  • Fine Motor Development

Motor Learning is about permanent change in performance. It is about actions that require the use of muscles in specific ways to achieve a desired outcome.

The acronym S.P.I.E.S means social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual which emphasizes on the whole child. 

Furthermore, we moved on to the three stages of learning. 
  • First stage - Beginning
  • Second stage - Intermediate
  • Third stage - Advance/Automotive

Following the stages of learning, the lecturer taught the concepts of motor learning. There are five concepts which are:
  • Attention limits
  • Transfer
  • Skill demonstration
  • Task progression 
  • Feedback 


During practical we began our usual warm up by walking, running and other motor skills from individual to peer grouping. Right after the warm up, groups of five were formed and three objects of the same were taken, for example, our group took three small white balls. The instructions of the activity were to observe the persons in your particular group throw a ball (not to anyone) in different ways for three rounds then switch with the persons who were observing. Once that activity was completed, everyone sat on the floor to discuss about the activity. Some students were chosen to demonstrate the different methods on how to throw a ball. To end this session, we gathered around in a circle to talk about what we have learnt in today's session.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Journal Entry 2


Journal Entry 2

Tuesday 11th September, 2018


Today's session was focused on the topic 'Movement.' The lecturer asked students to discuss about the term movement. During this discussion, students highlighted the definition and categories of movement. The lecturer continued the session by introducing the class to the concepts of movement.

Researching today's topic 'movement,' I learnt that movement is a change in position but most importantly it can't be done without space.

Further to this, movement is categorized into three three groups which are locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative. 

Locomotor movement is about moving your whole body from one space or place to another while non-locomotor movement is about the whole body not moving besides the body parts in the same position such as clapping or bending.

Manipulative movement involves the control and handling of an object such as catching or throwing a ball or even hula-hooping. 

     There are movements such as flexion, extension, rotation, abduction, adduction and circumduction.
Flexion is a bend that decrease angle at two bones, whereas,  extension is a movement which straightens there by increasing the angle at a joint. Extension is the opposite of flexion.
Rotation is a movement where the bone is moved around the central axis.
Abduction is the movement of a bone away from the center line of the body while adduction is the movement of a bone towards the center line of the body.
Circumbduction is about all five movements done. (Possible at the shoulder when we move our arm in a circle.                                     

A concept is an idea or notion. There are five concepts of movement: Space awareness, Body awareness, Relationships, Quality of movement and Effort. These five concepts are connected. 

For example, space is needed for movement. After, you need to know the limitations of your body for movement to be effective. Relationship with your body, people or an object is important because you need correlation in movement. Continuing this sequence, you need quality of movement, for example, would the movement be fast or slow? Moving backward or forward? The last concept is effort awareness. This concept usually links with quality of movement. Effort awareness emphasizes the force that should be used for to execute the movement. For example, should the force be heavy or light? Either one can lead to a different result. Example, throwing a ball with a force that is heavy, the ball will go further in distance but if there was a light force, that distance is shortened.

During the practical session, we began by understanding how one should walk and the different ways one can jump and skip. In terms of walking, I learnt that your heel touches the ground first and then the toes but your legs are raised slightly up when moving. For jumping, one can use one foot or both feet. The lecturer told us to keep our space and walk when told. You are not allowed to be close to anyone. Once the lecturer says 'stop' you must be in a group of three. We continue to have fun doing this activity. Next, we form lines of eleven persons. The second and the last line had to turn facing the opposite line. An item object was placed between lines. Everyone must listen to the music carefully and do the actions for the song 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes.' Once the music stops, you need to grab the object quickly before your opponent grabs it. I grabbed the object two times. Following this, we had to form our groups of six in order to do our routine based on the motor skill we chose in class. The other groups need to figure out the category of movement used in the routine. Finally, we gathered around in a circle and each person must say one thing they learnt in today's session.