Saturday 17 November 2018

Journal Entry 7

Physical Education

Journal Entry 7

Tuesday 16th October, 2018


The task given today was to form our original groups and develop a lesson plan from one out of the four activities shown in a sheet distributed by the lecturer. Our group decided to choose 'step-like actions' which are basic motor skills such as walking, running, sliding and even skipping.

The general information of the lesson plan was thought out quickly. We selected a standard one class which have a time period of twenty-five to thirty minutes. The previous experience/knowledge/skill will be about students knowing how to walk and run in the proper way, as well as, knowing different directions and how to play tag. Equipment that will be used will be a whistle.

The objectives for this lesson plan will be about demonstrating how to travel using different step-like actions with and without a whistle and knowing when to switch the step-like action.  Next we discussed about the content area which are movement experience, organization and teaching points/cues. After discussing about our plans for the lesson plan, I learnt about the various teaching styles. I learned eight teaching styles which are: command style, practice style, reciprocal style, self-check style, inclusion style, guided-discovery style and divergent discovery style.

The command style is about the teacher giving students direct orders to follow so the desired outcome will be successful.

The practice style is about the teacher deciding what students should and allow them to practice by themselves. 

The reciprocal style focuses on student peer activities. Students are paired to help each other by asking and answering questions from either peer. It is as though they are the teacher. 

The self-check style allows students to work independently on a given task. 

The inclusion style focuses on giving students a task in which they can choose what level of difficulty they can proceed with until moving on to another level.

The guided-discovery style is about the teacher arranging various resources to help the student figure the answers to questions of the particular task by themselves. The scaffolds the student where necessary. 

The divergent discovery style is about the teacher asking students a question that can be related to multiple answers. It helps students to understand that there are multiple answers to one questions, as well as, giving students the chance to participate in the activity.

Our group was then given the task of developing an activity to present for the practical session. 


For this practical session, our group had to develop an activity to present. The instructions however are to create either a game or drill using one ball. Our group must also set at least two rules for the activity. Therefore, our group presented a game called 'Think Fast.' Each person must catch the ball with their right hand and throw with their left hand plus do not drop the ball. Each person are ought to throw the ball quickly without thinking who to throw for it next. If the person drops the ball, the person needs to switch the hands using for to catch and throw the ball. It means the person needs to catch the ball with the left hand and throw with right. If the person drops the ball one more time, the switch is a must. After this activity, class session ended.

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