Wednesday 14 November 2018

Journal Entry 2


Journal Entry 2

Tuesday 11th September, 2018


Today's session was focused on the topic 'Movement.' The lecturer asked students to discuss about the term movement. During this discussion, students highlighted the definition and categories of movement. The lecturer continued the session by introducing the class to the concepts of movement.

Researching today's topic 'movement,' I learnt that movement is a change in position but most importantly it can't be done without space.

Further to this, movement is categorized into three three groups which are locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative. 

Locomotor movement is about moving your whole body from one space or place to another while non-locomotor movement is about the whole body not moving besides the body parts in the same position such as clapping or bending.

Manipulative movement involves the control and handling of an object such as catching or throwing a ball or even hula-hooping. 

     There are movements such as flexion, extension, rotation, abduction, adduction and circumduction.
Flexion is a bend that decrease angle at two bones, whereas,  extension is a movement which straightens there by increasing the angle at a joint. Extension is the opposite of flexion.
Rotation is a movement where the bone is moved around the central axis.
Abduction is the movement of a bone away from the center line of the body while adduction is the movement of a bone towards the center line of the body.
Circumbduction is about all five movements done. (Possible at the shoulder when we move our arm in a circle.                                     

A concept is an idea or notion. There are five concepts of movement: Space awareness, Body awareness, Relationships, Quality of movement and Effort. These five concepts are connected. 

For example, space is needed for movement. After, you need to know the limitations of your body for movement to be effective. Relationship with your body, people or an object is important because you need correlation in movement. Continuing this sequence, you need quality of movement, for example, would the movement be fast or slow? Moving backward or forward? The last concept is effort awareness. This concept usually links with quality of movement. Effort awareness emphasizes the force that should be used for to execute the movement. For example, should the force be heavy or light? Either one can lead to a different result. Example, throwing a ball with a force that is heavy, the ball will go further in distance but if there was a light force, that distance is shortened.

During the practical session, we began by understanding how one should walk and the different ways one can jump and skip. In terms of walking, I learnt that your heel touches the ground first and then the toes but your legs are raised slightly up when moving. For jumping, one can use one foot or both feet. The lecturer told us to keep our space and walk when told. You are not allowed to be close to anyone. Once the lecturer says 'stop' you must be in a group of three. We continue to have fun doing this activity. Next, we form lines of eleven persons. The second and the last line had to turn facing the opposite line. An item object was placed between lines. Everyone must listen to the music carefully and do the actions for the song 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes.' Once the music stops, you need to grab the object quickly before your opponent grabs it. I grabbed the object two times. Following this, we had to form our groups of six in order to do our routine based on the motor skill we chose in class. The other groups need to figure out the category of movement used in the routine. Finally, we gathered around in a circle and each person must say one thing they learnt in today's session.

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